The Next Playbook podcast delves into the post-athletic careers of top-tier athletes, hosted by Derika. Each episode features candid conversations with former Olympians, professional athletes, and collegiate stars who have tackled the challenge of redefining themselves after their sporting careers. Through personal narratives of triumphs and trials, these guests offer insights into their journeys beyond the final whistle. Join us as we explore how these elite athletes forge new paths and continue to make significant impacts beyond their athletic achievements. Welcome to The Next Playbook.

Beyond the Results: Brian Alexander on Intrinsic Motivation

Beyond the Results: Brian Alexander on Intrinsic Motivation

In this episode, Brian Alexander shares his journey from a young water polo enthusiast to a seasoned mental performance consultant. He discusses his early experiences with the sport, including the challenges and setbacks that fueled his determination to succeed.

In this episode, Brian Alexander shares his journey from a young water polo enthusiast to a seasoned mental performance consultant. He discusses his early experiences with the sport, including the challenges and setbacks that fueled his determination to succeed. Brian emphasizes the importance of resilience, intrinsic motivation, and the support of mentors in navigating the highs and lows of an athletic career. He also reflects on his college selection process, underscoring the value of gut instincts in decision-making. Throughout the conversation, Brian highlights the need for athletes to balance rigorous training with mental well-being, offering insights that are both personal and broadly applicable to anyone facing challenges in their pursuits.

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About the episode

In this episode, Brian Alexander shares his journey from a young water polo enthusiast to a seasoned mental performance consultant. He discusses his early experiences with the sport, including the challenges and setbacks that fueled his determination to succeed. Brian emphasizes the importance of resilience, intrinsic motivation, and the support of mentors in navigating the highs and lows of an athletic career. He also reflects on his college selection process, underscoring the value of gut instincts in decision-making. Throughout the conversation, Brian highlights the need for athletes to balance rigorous training with mental well-being, offering insights that are both personal and broadly applicable to anyone facing challenges in their pursuits.

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